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rue-madame's Diaryland Diary


No zip, no verve

I am tired.

Yesterday�s yoga class kicked my ass, and as a result, today�s class was a bit of a struggle. Once I was warmed up, things felt better, but I skipped a bunch of vinyasas cause I just wasn�t feeling up to it.

I ate hamburgers for dinner two nights in a row, and they were so good. Sometimes (like when you�re depleted of iron once a month) it�s good to have some red meat. When I converted from vegetarianism, the meat would sit in my stomach like a rock for what seemed like days. Now, I digest it with ease.

One of my yoga teachers mentioned that she�d gone to see a nutritionist about what she was eating. She was feeling unbalanced and wanted to see what in her diet was contributing to this sensation. After an hour and a half consultation, the diagnosis was that she was eating like an Asian person, but she�s actually from Eastern European stock. That�s why she was �off�. Her diet was too rich in soy products, nuts, fruits, and she needed more protein and more dairy.

I asked her if she was eating meat, and she said no. She�d incorporated more eggs and more fish into her diet, but the meat thing, she couldn�t do.

Her diagnosis reminded me of the Eat Right For Your Type book, where diet is broken down by blood type. I followed it for about a month, and I felt really skinny and good. I�m 0 Positive so I ate a LOT of meat. I was not allowed dairy or bread or coffee which is why I couldn�t keep it up. A day without bread or cheese or coffee is a day I�m not interested in being awake for.

Which leads me to this: I have been off coffee/caffeine for about three weeks. The pain it was causing was too excrutiating to ignore, and I finally decided to try life without it. I do have prescription pills that I take everyday, that are supposed to reduce the amount of acid boiling around in my stomach, but I thought I would try to ee if I could make diet changes that would have the same effect as the drugs.

Well, I am here to tell you that yes, I feel better, but life without coffee is colorless. Why live? Making decaf tea in the mornings is nowhere near as fun as preparing an espresso. Tea doesn�t smell as good as coffee, and I don�t feel as satisfied after a cup of tea as I do after a cup of coffee. It�s enough to make me experiment with ersatz substitutes like Postum! But I think Postum�s more depressing than just drinking tea. I told my older sister that I�d given up coffee, and she said, �Wow, that�s so sad. Coffee is so much a part of your personality!�

Eventually, when I feel enough time has elapsed, I will introduce decaf cappuccinos into my diet and see what happens. I cannot wait for that day! If I can drink a decaf cappuccino without pain, I will be triumphant!

7:29 p.m. - 2003-08-21



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