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rue-madame's Diaryland Diary


Broken record

I went back to the gallery yesterday to make sure that I hadn�t completely lost my mind, and that in fact, the �design� pieces in there were truly not up to snuff.

Except for the things I mentioned yesterday, the rest are still not very good. What a relief to have been rejected! Seriously. I am content that my work was not accepted into that show.

I like being in the company of people who are better, smarter, more talented, funnier, cleverer, wittier, better adjusted than me. That�s how you learn, improve, become more aware and awake. If you hang with dopes, you become one. I would have hated to have been in that gallery, surrounded on all sides by mediocrity. Erasmus was right: �In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king.� If I�m going to rule, I want to rule with both eyes open.

I saw History of Violence. It was good.

4:26 p.m. - 2005-10-17



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