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rue-madame's Diaryland Diary


Neck in neck

Sexual Showdown of the Century Tally as it currently stands:

Me and Terence: 3.5 (that�s 2.0 from today plus the 1.5 from the other day)

Noisy Neighbor: 1.5 (that�s 1.0 from today plus the .5 from the other day)

The neighbor had loud sex this morning. I went downstairs to drop off my rent check, and when I got back inside, I heard her and the Moaner with the Boner (Terence�s nickname for the new boyfriend) starting up. I had planned to make another coffee and listen to This American Life, but the competitive spirit got the better of me. I couldn�t let this challenge go unmet! Terence and I promptly got down to business.

Then this afternoon, I woke up from a nap feeling a little randy and figured, what the hell! Why not have sex again? What else did I have to do?

Afterwards I started giggling like an idiot, and whispered to Terence, �We�re winning!�

To which he replied, �I don�t know about this competition you�ve invented, but if that�s what it takes to get you in sack, then I�m all for it.�

Needless to say, today�s been a very relaxing Saturday.

Goddamn it! They�re at it again! Those fuckers, and I do mean fuckers!, are messing with my scores!!! They are totally going to take the house down with their incessant bed-frame twisting! Aargh!

OK, change the above score to this:

Noisy Neighbor: 2.5 (that�s 2.0 from today plus the .5 from the other day)

7:01 p.m. - 2003-05-03



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