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rue-madame's Diaryland Diary



Because TA is on a business trip to, of all places, Boulder Colorado, I have been living like a single woman and it�s fanfuckingtastic.

For one, I have been freed from the tyranny of boy mealtimes and have been eating according to my own schedule. This doesn�t mean that I�ve succumbed to TA�s worst fear (which is that when he�s gone, I consume air and nothing else.) It means that for the last two days, I�ve eaten according to my appetite.

And what do you know? This morning I woke up with a flatter tummy. And I totally have been eating! Today I had yogurt and applesauce for breakfast, and leftover Chinese food, rice and steamed broccoli for lunch. That�s not air!

If love makes you fat, and heartbreak makes you skinny, then absence makes you feel thin. It�s a diet plan that works for me. I say �feel thin� because I don�t have a scale so I have no idea if I�ve actually lost weight; I just know that I feel lighter.

I was going to make a generalization about Boys and Food, but I�ll just narrow the field and talk about mine. He needs to eat 3 squares at regular intervals or he becomes a complete monster. Once his blood sugar levels drops below a certain point, he goes from docile to psychotic in seconds: he gets dizzy and cranky and starts sweating profusely. It�s gotten to where I don�t go anywhere without an emergency snack. See why I don�t need to have children to be a mom? There are Clifbars and dried fruit/nuts in the car, in his bag, in his desk, in my office. It was bad enough that my handbag was starting to resemble my mother�s with the lipstick-shmeared crumpled up Kleenex and sticky Ricolas; now I�ve got food in there!

Me? I just need some tea in the morning, maybe a piece of toast and I�m fine until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. My boy needs to have a hearty lunch at noon or all hell breaks loose.

There�s not much else that I can indulge in while TA�s gone because most of the things I like to do he doesn�t scoff at. He�s so awesome he�ll even watch ANTM with me, or ballet documentaries, or fill out fashion magazine questionnaires. He draws the line at what he considers to be excessively metro things like manicures, but he�s man enough to soak in the tub with a pore-vacuuming mask on (as long as I�m in there with him and I apply the mask.)

On tap for tonight: yoga, a hot bubble bath, enchiladas suizas, and a couple of hours with a book. Yep, it�s exciting over here!

4:28 p.m. - 2004-10-19



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