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rue-madame's Diaryland Diary


Steeeeeeeeeeeam heat

Yesterday, it was 86 degrees, but it felt like 98 because the humidity was at 77%. The elms outside my window were moving but all my efforts at bringing the breeze inside my studio were fruitless. Useless fucking wind.

Then later, around 7 I think, it just started pouring rain. That would be humidity at 100%?

Who gets peevish when it�s humid out?

As a matter of fact humidity is the reason I had to stop taking Bikram yoga classes. I would spend an hour and a half suppressing the urge to kill those around me (I especially wanted to murder those folks who would allow their perspiration to drip onto MY MAT,) then I would leave and yell at people on the bus. Oh yes, I would! Not that I should be proud of getting angry at complete strangers, but a lot of times I was provoked. Perhaps there was something in my post-yoga mien that invited insults, I have no idea. You wouldn�t believe how many times old people would say mean shit to me on the streetcar and on the bus. (They do that even when I�m not in a post-yoga high. TA can back me up on this.)

Anyway, the other thing that I hated about Bikram? The studio always smelled like steamed artichokes. Was it the heat? The humidity? The mats and towels? Do all Bikram studios smells like this? I like artichokes, but I don�t live in Castroville for a reason. (This is a good alternate view.)

Yoga is going very well. My wrists are sore and still cannot bend at a 90 degree angle, but I am able to do more and more in class. I have been given modifications and advice on propping, and these seem to be doing the trick. I am still not doing chataranga, but my arm/shoulder strength is coming back. I am still not doing arm balances, but yesterday I did a supported handstand and a forearm balance at the wall. The microscopic progress that I�ve made in the last two weeks is really helping me stay focused and positive. I just need to be patient and take things slowly.

And speaking of patient, I have an appointment with Dr B the rheumatologist this afternoon. I hope she has good news for me.

9:23 a.m. - 2005-07-28



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